Thursday, April 11, 2013


My inspiration was to make it look like someone was hanging. Some technical challenges I faced was making sure that I shot the photo at a time where it doesn't look like he's trying to jump. I resolved this by taking multiple photos. Some artist challenges I faced was trying to edit in photoshop, the sky was completely washed out.

I didn't have an inspiration here. I just thought of the idea and went through with it. Some technical problems I ran into was trying to keep the camera completely still. To resolve it I made sure that I worked quickly. Some artist challenges I faced was fixing the color of the sky. The original photo had a lighter sky than the photo with the boys.

My inspiration here was the whole "meditation" method. Some technical problems I ran into was again, keeping the camera still. Even on the tripod, it tended to move slightly. If I didn't have such a busy background I wouldn't have worried so much. Some art problems I had was brightening up the photo without over doing it.